King Naresuan and King Ekatotsarot, Leung Hang Khao and Pradu Hang Dam

Repost Somdet Phra Naresuan Maharat (Thai: สมเด็จพระนเรศวรมหาราช) or Somdet Phra Sanphet II (Thai: สมเด็จพระสรรเพชญ์ที่ 2) (1555, 25 April – 1605) was the King of the Ayutthaya kingdom from 1590 until his death in 1605. Naresuan was one of Siam’s most revered monarchs as he was known for his campaigns to free Siam from Burmese rule….

Breeds Fighting Styles for Tape Boxing and Naked Heel

Original article contributed by IN. Below is my Revised and Edited Version or more like an Adapted Version. This research is still going on. The list might be inaccurate on fighting styles and breeds. Just something to work on. Hope help comes our ways. Note that it is difficult to categories these main breeds as…