“The Roundhead Man” disgusted on Farm Bill, UGBA, AWW.

Repost I find the article “News of 2014 Farm Bill” by “The Roundhead Man”, which was published in The Gamecock, as an act of activism. Though, others might find it as a malicious attack on a person. Do not forget, we all are in this freedom struggle together. We may not agree all the time on…

Who is Americans Watching Washington? A lobbyist behind AGDN?

“Nobody but the cockfighters will make cockfighting legal again. No amount of money will make cockfighting legal again. Legalization will be due to activist cockfighters’ time, effort, patience, and sheer will to fight for freedom rights. We need to wear our tshirts and tell our stories to anyone anytime anywhere (e.g. online, social media, newspapers,…